What’s new in Trados Studio 2022 Service Release 2 (SR2)

Trados Studio 2022 Service Release 2 (SR2) builds on a long history of innovation, advancement and attention to detail in computer-assisted translation (CAT), all designed to address the diverse, evolving needs of our users.
During this webinar, Daniel Brockmann, Principal Product Manager, walks through the new features and enhancements introduced in Trados Studio 2022 SR2:
  • Enhanced Manager View to support single-file projects including an integrated Reports View
  • Exciting new AI capabilities like Smart Help for increased productivity
  • Voice dictation in the online editor, term verification for cloud projects and, many other improvements to both desktop and cloud capabilities
The webinar is your opportunity to see the newest features in action.
This content is in English.
Please fill in your details below to watch the webinar recording
An introduction to translation collaboration