Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Tradución e da Interpretación - AGPTI
- https://www.agpti.org/
- Association
- Spain
The Galician Association of Translation and Interpretation Professionals (AGPTI) is born from the conviction that only together we can succeed in these attempts and gain greater visibility in today's society, which aims to establish a joint work platform for the professionals of the translation and interpretation that work in Galicia.
- Contribute to the improvement of the working conditions of translators and interpreters in the Galician market.
- Promote the use of the Galician language in the translation and interpretation market in all Galician economic sectors.
- Provide translation and interpretation professionals with opportunities for non-formal continuing education.
In addition, the AGPTI is part of the Rede Vértice , the union of professional associations in the sector with a presence in the Spanish State.