University of Bucharest
- https://unibuc.ro/?lang=en
- Academic Partner
- Romania
About us:
The University of Bucharest is a comprehensive university, oriented towards natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. The entire structure of the curricula has been made compatible with the Bologna process. The Faculty of Foreign Language and Literature offers two applied languages programs: the LMA (Applied Modern Languages, English (L2) +a second foreign language (L3): French, German or Spanish) and the Translators-Interpreters program (two foreign languages also, but not necessarily English as L2). The French Department is actively involved in both programs and aims to a better implementation of practical translation skills, by promoting internships (conventions with Décathlon for the Translator-Interpreters program and respectively with Renault and Yves Rocher for the LMA program). We are presently modernizing our computer lab.Courses offered:
I. Introductory notions. Translation management. The translation project. The WHO question (Data Entry Clerk, Reference Librarian, Translator (& Translators typology ), Re-lecturer, Reviewer, Contractor (cf. Gouadec 1989, 2005). the WHAT question (translation project description: phases - cf. Gouadec 1989, 2005). The HOW question: CAT tools typology. Translation Memory as CAT tool.
II. Trados. Trados Studio 2014 Getting Started: CAT tool overview, Navigating the environment and translating single files (chosen accordingly to the specialized translation workshops curricula (economical translation, legal translation, scientific translation, technical translation, medical translation)). Trados Studio 2014 Intermediate: Creating projects, translating the project files, file type settings and Automated Quality Assurance. Practical translation exercise (texts chosen accordingly to the specialized translation workshops curricula (economical translation, legal translation, scientific translation, technical translation, medical translation)). Trados WinAlign. Trados Studio 2014 Advanced: Translation Memory Maintenance, Translation Memory Fields and search option and Translating XML Files.
Computer assisted Terminological studies
I. On line tools: Dictionaries (TLFi, specialized lexicographic and/or terminographic ressources). Terminological Databases (IATE), Terminological Databanks (GDT), Textual databanks (Frantext// specialized textual databanks: EURLEX, CISMeF). Compiling thematic corpora with Internet search engines.
II. Introducing Multi-Term.