Passolo FAQ
Here's the answer to this frequently asked question about Passolo.
When I upgrade, can I have Passolo 2022 installed alongside older versions of the software?
This will vary depending on what version you are upgrading from:
- If your original license was for Passolo 2016 and you want to retain both versions, you should consider purchasing a full license instead of an upgrade.
- If your original license was for Passolo 2018, you will be able to run Passolo 2018 and Passolo 2022 on the same machine, as the license for Passolo 2022 is a compound license. For this to work, you will need to update Passolo 2018 to CU14* or higher, and it will then accept your new Passolo 2022 license.
- If your original license was for the free Passolo 2018 Translator Edition, you can install the free Passolo 2022 Translator Edition side by side with a previous version, if required.
*CU stands for cumulative update. At RWS we are constantly reviewing and improving our products and we release enhancements and hotfixes as and when required. These are bundled into cumulative updates that are installed automatically using the auto-update functionality in Passolo. You will be notified automatically by the software when a cumulative update is available. A full list of enhancements and fixes for Passolo 2018 SR1 to date can be found on the RWS Community.