KU Leuven Campus Sint-Andries Antwerp
- http://www.kuleuven.be
- Academic Partner
- Belgium
About us:
KU Leuven Campus Sint-Andries Antwerp is part of the Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven, the University of Leuven. The Campus has an excellent international reputation in the fields of education and scholarly research. The excellence of Campus Sint-Andries was further endorsed when in 2000 it became a member of CIUTI, the International Permanent Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters. In 2011, it was rewarded by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Translation) with the EMT label, which brings together universities offering high standards in professional translator training. If you wish to become a professional translator and you enrol in an EMT programme, you will receive the best postgraduate education in translation available in the EU. Recently, the Campus' Postgraduate Programme in Conference Interpreting became a member of the prestigious EMCI consortium (European Masters in Conference Interpreting).Courses offered:
Postgraduate Programme in Specialised Translation
Introduction to Translation Technologies
Website Localisation
Introduction to Terminology