Smarter translation gives Office Depot a clear, consistent voice across Europe
Translators keep pace with Office Depot’s expanding product range through intelligent use of translation memories, terminology management and machine translation.

Company size:
4,500 employees
Company region:
10 European countries
Thousands of European businesses buy their workplace supplies from Office Depot’s country–specific web stores. The company’s 70-people strong data management team maintains a master database of all products and creates the descriptive marketing content that appears on Office Depot’s websites in five European languages.

“Before our Trados solution, we could deliver around 25 translations a day, but now the average is 100. This is very good, taking into consideration the increasing trend of onboarding new products within Office Depot.”
- Translation approach repetitive and time consuming
- Poor translation accuracy resulting in lengthy review cycles and a lot of errors
- Inconsistent terminology in translated output and lack of one tone of voice
- Enhanced translation quality and consistency using centrally managed translation memories and terminology resources
- 100% faster manual translation with CAT tool productivity features
- 300% increase in overall translation productivity
- 70% faster publishing of website content
- 35% faster translations due to machine translation alone