FEDERLINGUE - Associazione Italiana Servizi Linguistici
- https://www.federlingue.it/
- Association
- Italy
About Us
FEDERLINGUE represents companies in Italy that offer linguistic services such as translations, interpreting, linguistic training, localization, internationalization and similar services. Founded in 1996 in Milan as the provincial association of translation and interpreting centers (“Federcentri Milano”), FEDERLINGUE now represents the whole country and has extended and to other activities such as linguistic training, localization and services for internationalization, making FEDERLINGUE, to all intents and purposes, the Association national reference point for the linguistic services sector.
FEDERLINGUE is a member of UNION CONFCOMMERCIO-IMPRESE PER L'ITALIA, MILAN, LODI, MONZA AND BRIANZA and of CONFCOMMERCIO IMPRESE PER L'ITALIA, the largest company representation which associates over 700,000 companies in Italy and which has representative offices in Europe and worldwide. FEDERLINGUE collaborates with the Territorial Ascoms to guarantee its members presence, reliability and representation locally and nationally and locally, accompanied by a complete and integrated range of services.
- Promote the continuous improvement of the linguistic services offered by member companies; the adoption of the UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 17100:2015, ISO 29990, UNI EN 15038:2006, UNI 10574:2007 standards for the linguistic services sector; exchange of information and contact between members.
- Implement constant and continuous training for the benefit of member companies.
- Protect the category and ensure its representation.